Hope Org

Where there is hope, there is hope!

HOPE provides short-term assistance to those who find themselves in a financial crisis due to a sudden predicament.


He can be your friend. He can be the man behind you in shul. He can be your neighbour. He can be your second cousin. He can be the fellow you met at the supermarket today. He is a normal guy, yet he’s facing an abnormal challenge. A challenge that although may not be visible on the surface, threatens to destroy the functionality and peace of his home. He has no one to whom to turn. He needs help. He needs HOPE.

HOPE, Helping Out People every day, is a nonprofit organization that provides short-term assistance to those who find themselves in a financial crisis. Crises do not come with a warning. When a sudden predicament befalls a family, such as the illness of a member or loss of a job, funds drain rapidly and a household can be thrown into utter distress and despair as the upkeep of day-to-day expenses becomes insurmountable.

Yet, there is HOPE. HOPE steps in to ensure those struggling to make ends meet get back on their feet. By dispatching grants to help recover growing debt and negotiating routine bills such as tuition, groceries, rent, utilities, and household help on behalf of those struggling; HOPE helps alleviate the financial burden of families in need.

Our Services

Groceries - Providing basic necessities with dignity.

Meet Henny. Henny is the woman in front of you at the supermarket checkout line. She can’t shop freely, dumping items into her cart to bring home for her family. Ever since her family sank into debt, Henny needs to calculate the price of each product that she plucks off the shelf. She worries if she’ll have enough food on the table tonight to feed her children. She faces these humiliating moments of being at the cashier and having to remove food from her wagon since she’s unable to afford them. Henny hopes to creep out of debt and provide for her family, as any mother would. HOPE is there. HOPE adds funds to her grocery account and negotiates with the grocer for a more manageable payment plan. It is mothers like Henny who rely on HOPE to help them out of their dire crises. It is you who gives HOPE hope.

Rent - securing a stable home

Meet Baruch. Baruch is your neighbor. He is doing everything he possibly can to find a job, but to no avail as of yet. He holds the heavy weight of finances accumulating daily, with no income to manage them. After multiple warnings, his landlord can not wait any longer and is forced to evict him and his family. Baruch’s family has no place to call home. They face the mortifying reality of living in the street. Baruch hopes to give his family a roof over their head, as any father would. HOPE is there. HOPE dispatches rent to enable him to continue living in his apartment, as he looks to find a job and maintain a decent living. It is fathers like Baruch who rely on HOPE to help them out of their degrading crises. It is you who gives HOPE hope.

Tuition - enabling children’s education without interruption or humiliation

Meet Chanala’s Totty. Totty is the guy who sits behind you in shul. He put his job on hold since Chanala got sick. He worries about her health and needs to be there to advocate for her in the hospital, day in and day out. He has no time in his day or space in his mind to deal with tuition payments. After several messages from his sons’ yeshivos, his sons may not have a school to go to next year. Through no fault of their own, his sons face the embarrassment of not being able to return to the structure of school learning together with their friends this fall. Totty hopes to be able to fund his children’s education, as any father would. HOPE is there. HOPE relieves him of his tuition payments, so that he can be there with his daughter until she recovers. It is fathers like Totty who rely on HOPE to help them out of their serious crises. It is you who gives HOPE hope. 

Utilities - supplying essential services

Meet Totty. Totty is your second cousin. He was laid off five months ago and is still searching for a suitable job. He wakes up and goes to sleep with the heavy burden of dwindling savings on his shoulders. He’s anxious about what tomorrow will bring. He got continuous alerts from the electric company to pay up his outstanding bills, but since he was unable to, the lights will now remain off. His family faces the difficulty of living without electricity, in the dark. Totty hopes to be able to pay his bills so he can maintain a functional household, as any father would. HOPE is there. HOPE funds his utility bills, while he finds himself a new job. It is fathers like Totty who rely on HOPE to help them out of their desperate crises. It is you who gives HOPE hope.

Household help - arranging for a cleanly environment

Meet Chaim. Chaim is your old chavrusa. His wife became seriously ill a year ago, and he put his entire life on hold to attend to her needs. On a daily basis, he juggles the responsibilities of both a father and a mother. For many hours each day, he sits by Rina’s side to ensure the nurses are giving her what she needs, speak to her about how the kids are doing, listen to her worries and pains, and reassure her that everything will, one day, be ok. When he returns from the ICU, he needs to feed the children, help them with homework, and put them to bed with no help. His apartment needs the basic cleaning to keep things running. His wife and children need all the time and attention he can give- he can not attend to household chores. His family faces the discomfort of a dysfunctional and unclean home. Chaim hopes to be able to get household help so his children can live in a tidy home, as any father would. HOPE is there. HOPE arranges for cleaning help, so that Chaim can focus on his wife and his children’s needs while she gets better. It is fathers like Chaim who rely on HOPE to help them out of their unfortunate crises. It is you who gives HOPE hope.

Life insurance premiums - protecting policies from collapse

Meet Malky. Malky is your camp friend. Her husband is suffering from a terminal illness that has no known cure. Malky’s life revolves around the hospital corridors as she tries to give her husband whatever she can in his last few days of life. Malky lives in a dark and dreadful place. She lives with the crushing anxiety and despair of knowing her husband will soon not be among the living. She trembles as she fears each passing moment may be his last. She has no room in her mind or heart to think of planning for the future. Malky faces the trauma and suffering of a future with no spouse and no means of providing for her orphans. Malky hopes to be able to provide for her family when there will be no father around, as any mother would. HOPE is there. HOPE upkeeps the life insurance premiums to ensure the policy does not collapse. It is mothers like Malky who rely on HOPE to help them out of their tragic crises. It is you who gives HOPE hope.

Therapy - ensuring mental and emotional health

Meet Yossi’s Mommy. Mommy is your mechutanista’s sister. Her son has been subdued for the past few weeks and is suspected of having a severe case of depression. Mommy fears for Yossi’s safety each day and night. She tries to get him to speak, but he refuses to express himself. He is locked in his thoughts all day, as he floats around the house and the streets, in silence. Mommy knows Yossi can not battle this alone. She needs to hire a professional to step in and help him out. This was not an expected expense and the family budget does not allow for new bills. Yossi faces the agony of battling a mental illness, with no one to understand him, communicate with him, or help him heal. Mommy hopes to be able to give her son the professional help he needs, as any mother would. HOPE is there. HOPE supplements the costs of therapy, so that Mommy can maintain the family’s daily living costs. It is mothers like Mommy who rely on HOPE to help them out of their critical crises. It is you who gives HOPE hope.


If that he or she is you, you are not alone!
If you are in need of HOPE’s services, please reach out to us. We are here to help.

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